Great Baseball Books
With the end of the baseball season, what better way to pass the time during the 'hot-stove league' (off-season) than with some great baseball writing. Here are a dozen terrific books on baseball in the early 20th century. I hesitate to say 'Top Ten' because there are many good ones out there. This list is a mix of books of different types and genres, and they are complementary to each. Taken together, they would make a great start to a baseball library. Those that are out of print are often available on www.ebay.com or www.abebooks.com
More Great Baseball Books
Bevis, Charlie
Sunday Baseball: The Major League’ Struggle to Play...
Fleming, G. H.
The Unforgettable Season
Halberstam, David
The Summer of ’49
Solomon, Burt
Where They Ain’t: The Fabled Life and Untimely Death...
Murphy, Robert E.
After Many a Summer: The Passing of the...
Fetter, Henry
Taking on the Yankees: Winning and Losing...
Fleitz, David
Ghosts in the Gallery: Sixteen Little-Known...
Brock, Darryl
Havana Heat
12 Great Baseball Books
Seymour, Harold
Baseball: The Golden Age
Ritter, Larry
The Glory of their Times
Bak, Richard
Ty Cobb: His Tumultuous Life and Times
Creamer, Robert
Babe: Legend Comes to Life
Curran, William
Big Sticks
Farrell, James T.
My Baseball Diary
Greenberg, Eric Rolfe
The Celebrant
Honig, Donald
Classic Baseball Photography, 1869-1947
Lieb, Fred
Baseball as I have Known It
Quigley, Martin
The Crooked Pitch
Sowell, Mike
The Pitch that Killed
Finney, Jack
Time and Again