Steve's Book Awards
2018 SABR Baseball Research Award
Urban Shocker: Silent Hero of Baseball's Golden Age awarded the 2018 SABR Baseball Research Award
2016 SABR Baseball Research Award
Spatz and Steinberg's 'The Colonel and Hug' is Awarded the 2016 SABR Baseball Research Award
2011 Seymour Medal
Spatz and Steinberg's '1921' is Awarded the 2011 Seymour Medal
Steve's Article/Journal Awards

2006 McFarland-SABR Baseball Research Award
Steve’s article,"Matty and the Browns: A Window onto the AL-NL War (1901-1902)," received the 2006 McFarland-SABR Baseball Research Award. The article appeared in NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture, Volume 14, No. 2 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, Spring 2006), pages 102-117.
The forgotten story of Christy Mathewson's signing an ironclad contract with the St. Louis Browns in the summer of 1902, and how the Browns gave up the star pitcher as part of the peace settlement between the American and National Leagues in January, 1903.